commissioned work

Choosing a photographer can be hard, especially considering very few advertise their prices online. I have more than 13 years of experience working with both still and moving images and have been working with a wide range of different clients throughout the years. Here you can get an idea of my prices; but don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.
I generally don't work for free, but make discounts for NGO's, non-profits or great creative projects. It's also usually possible to get a discount on the next assignments if you are planing something that you want to have documented over several sessions.

“Jeg har hatt gleden av å leie inn Sébastian Dahl til flere fotooppdrag for diverse kulturarrangementer i løpet av de siste årene. Det er alltid en fryd å jobbe med Sebastian. Han er svært profesjonell i sitt arbeid, med tydelige avtaler, raske svar og kjapp levering av bilder. I tillegg er han fleksibel, imøtekommende og svært hyggelig. Han tar utrolig bra bilder og fanger øyeblikkene til arrangementene på en særdeles god måte. Han har et øye for detaljer, for stemning, for mennesker og jeg sitter alltid igjen med en god variasjon av bilder etter arrangementene. Jeg vil absolutt benytte meg av Sébastians fototjenester i fremtiden og kan anbefale han på det sterkeste til andre aktører.”
“Wow! This guy is smart, fast and good. Hire him and take part of all that energy coming out of him. He is also friendly and easy to work with. To bad he is not living in the great north (Tromsø) anymore.”
“Sébastian has a special eye for interesting and vital photos. He is a vital person himself, and has a lot of different angled ideas and seems to be forever seeking new experiences. Sébastian is a yes-person and a pleasure to work with.”
“Sebastian is a one-of-a-kind creative who creates amazing art in a professional and timely manner. He has shot a variety of styles from professional to abstract and succeeds at all of them. Not only is he talented, but he is also a hard worker and fun to be around. I count Sebastian as a good friend and trusted colleague and can highly recommend him as an employee or contractor.”
“I have hired Sebastian Dahl for various photo assignments - on different clients - at Geelmuyden.Kiese, and can fully recommend his work.
Sebastian is easy to work with and delievers great results to a beneficial cost. He also brings in creativity and added value with his artistic background.”
“Sebastian is one of the most enthusiastic persons I have worked with. He has plenty of good ideas and he knows how to put those good ideas into exciting projects. His good ways of communicating with others allows him to get close to people. Sebastian is a colleague you can trust will get the job done, he is patient and to a team he will always bring fun and a big smile.”
“Sebastian is a talented photographer, and trough his adventures and with his unique way of approaching people he gets access anywhere he goes.
I hope to collaborate with Sebastian in the future.
Highly recommended.”
“Sebastian is a throughout positive, energetic and hard working spirit. -With an eye for details and great compositions, he uses his camera to show a creative view, wether it’s in everyday life or or commissioned work.”
“Sebastian is a wonderful photographer with a great eye for detail and aestetics. Hard working and thorough, he goes to great lengths to tell compelling stories through his photographs. Sebastian is easygoing and great to work with.”
“Sébastian is a creative and dynamic photojournalist, with a photographic style that lends itself very well to journalistic work - beautiful, clean and parsimonious.
He is positive and enthusiastic about his assignments, besides being an easy going, pleasant guy in general. I worked with him in the student newspaper Universitas, and enjoyed working with him so much that I hired him externally when I was editing a magazine for Women’s Rights’ Week at the University of Oslo in 2012.”
personal projects